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FBR Extends Deadline to File Tax Returns

From the Blog propakistani The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has once again extended the deadline to file income tax returns. The board had previously extended the date from August 31 to November 30 to attract the maximum number of filings. On Friday night, a notification from FBR said it was further extending the deadline for fifteen days. The citizens can now submit their tax returns, and wealth statements by December 15, the notification said. "The date of filing of Returns of Total Income/Statement of final taxation which were due on 31st August 2018 and extended upto 30th November 2018 is hereby further extended up to 15th December 2018," the FBR said in a notification. ------------------------------ ALSO READ FBR Still Hasn't Issued a Tax Directory for FY2017 ------------------------------ "Thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

انگوٹھا کہانی

From the Blog seems77 ヅ انگوٹھا کہانی ヅ منقول ‏تعلیم انسان کو انگوٹھے کے نشان سے دستخط تک لے گئی، اور ٹیکنالوجی دستخط سے انگوٹھے پر واپس لے آئی۔ دنیا گول ہے ヅ ヅ ヅ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5248150857070407515 Pakistani Blog Posts


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