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MAKHDUM MUHAMMAD HASHIM THATTVI - Greats Are Greats Regardless Of Our Approval

From the Blog faizansworld It is said that in the late Middle Ages, West witnessed the revolution of science and technology. On the other hand, in those days and since the beginning of human civilizations, east has remained the birthplace of world's major religions. When spark of light bulb brightened the dark rooms there, the flames of spiritualism were burning here. The scholars were reading and spiritualists were attaining selfless state of mind. The candles were burning and dimming but minds were travelling faster than speed of light. No one knows the journeys which are experienced within. No one gauges them. Hence, these people were the most underrated minds compared to Western scientists. One such underrated person was Makhdum Muhammad Hashim Thattvi of Thatta city, Sindh. His full name was Makhdpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1242841437575001447 Pakistani Blog Posts


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