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From the blog faizansworld It was still the time of swords and arrows in Sindh when 18th century had just entered into its second decade. At that time, Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro, ruler of Kalhora dynasty, Sindh, decided to build a mosque which was more than just a mosque but a school as well as military training centre for soldiers who'd stand by the side of their King and win battles for him. The name of the mosque was Masjid Khudabad. Today, the three hundred year old structure is still standing tall at the Sehwan-Dadu Indus Highway, about 231 km from Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. When I first had the glimpse of Khudabad Mosque, it didn't appear as captivating as some of the magnificent Mughal structures of that age and time appear. As per my imaginations, it was supposed to look similar, much more thanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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