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7 Tips for Transitioning into the Workforce after University in Pakistan

From the Blog smartchoice Stepping from the days of college into the days of office, moving from days in classes from jotting down lectures to writing minutes of the office meeting, missing classes and taking a day off from office all these things change. Once we graduate from Schools, we think that the days of problems, groups, classes all are behind, begins a different phase of life where one thing is replaced by other classmates with colleagues, teachers with bosses, fee with salary and some other major and minor changes. Now, what a person needs to do is get out there and start doing what they have dreamt about, but should keep themselves ready to face some challenges while looking for work as the finding the right job is competitive. Embarking on this transitional phase, the changes one feels are emppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Making TVC

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Asad Rizvi, Regional Executive Director, Orientm-McCann, paid a visit to the Lahore School on 30 October 2018 to talk to the MBA participants on how a TVC (television commercial advertisement) is made right from the creative brief to being put on air. Right at the beginning, Asad emphasized that contrary to what outsiders might think, the world of TVC making was only 0.01% "glam"; the rest of it was based on hard work, planning and analysis. Reflecting on his own career, he said it was hard work and focus that had brought him to the stage where was. Explaining how a TVC was made, Asad explained how the Client shared with the Agency a Brief which would inform the Agency about the competitive environment, the target consumer, core insights, brand opportunity, communication pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

آپ کی مدد درکار ہے۔۔

From the Blog ayeshapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Girl Acting as Puppet!

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Girl Acting as Puppet!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 991451548020644334 Pakistani Blog Posts


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