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What is TAQWA?

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 1be1b8749a760dd732f687236271f354] Taqwa is not only about manners. Taqwa is not about looking Islamic… Taqwa is not about sporting a beard or wearing a hijab… Taqwa is about appearance BUT Taqwa is when I miss a prayer, and feel uneasy the whole day.. Taqwa is when I speak a lie I feel bad Taqwa is the guilt that follows when me hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly. Taqwa is the shame and regret that follows a sin I committed knowing full well how it stands in the sight of Allah Taqwa is when I cannot sleep after disobeying or disrespecting my parents. Taqwa is to cry in the depths of night fear in none but the one above the Heavens Taqwa is the fear that refrains us from sinning when nobody familiar is around Taqwa is the guts and the will to please Allah, even pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6114350776071083401 Pakistani Blog Posts


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