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"The word Socrates and the word Jesus—

From the Blog tanveerrauf WORDS———- "The word Socrates and the word Jesus Are my creation, I'm their creation" These are initial, eternal, and dwellings They're the eras They pass all through in brain waves from one soul to another soul They're the realness of epoch, and sham too Symbol of anguish, and the remedy too Regardless of color, caste, faith and belief They're supreme of lords and lands They flow in veins like blood and present on each lingo They're sham they're pretense, they're war they're peace; All these are their constraints Without them life is apprehensive Every action is motionless incapable to speak , unable to hear Each mirror mutely amazed on its reflections fretfulness is the sight allowing to witness but deprive to utter Loveliness worthless so is love futile Apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7007072382905064666 Pakistani Blog Posts


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