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Challenges and Possibilities for Environmental Sustainability with a focus on Pakistan

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics *27-28 February 2019* Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Lahore School of Economics *Call for Papers* The social metabolism reproducing society in the modern era is upsetting Earth's natural equilibrium, which until recently, had maintained relative stability for millions of years. Marking this shift in the planet's biogeochemical processes due to human activities, scientists recently declared the emergence of a new geological epoch, the 'Anthropocene'. This new global shift is characterized by severe *(1)* socio-environmental crises, including climate change, degradation of air, water, soils and habitats, rapid extraction of finite freshwater and mineral reserves, deforestation and desertification, and growing quantities of wastes that cannot easily be absorbed ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8767954741067982783 Pakistani Blog Posts


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