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From the Blog ashrafiya A seeker wrote, The second (spiritual) ailment is of ogling. I stealthy stare at beardless boys (امراد) and women. I feel a form of (lustful) pleasure in this. Occasionally, if I try using determination to look away it is very arduous for me and I feel tormented for a long duration. I have asked (others) many times (for measures to give up this habit) but have been unsuccessful. Please, let me know of a way that I develop an innate disgust for this hideous action. Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) replied, 'Besides diligent (repeated) use of determination and self control there is no way (of giving up this sinful action). Furthermore, two things help in facilitating it, 1. Keeping one's self cognizant of its retributions (here & in hereafter), pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8895797104526447250 Pakistani Blog Posts


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