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Modi-Imran Acrimony; IHC Order to Release Nawaz Sharif

From the Blog riazhaqPakistan's new prime minister Mr. Imran Khan extended his hand of friendship to India that led to a mutual agreement for the two countries to meet on the sidelines of the upcoming annual UN General Assembly meeting. However, the foreign minister level meeting was canceled by India a couple of days later with a nasty message from Indian foreign ministry to Prime Minister Imran Khan alleging that he has shown his "true face" and exposed his "evil agenda". Prime Minister Imran Khan responded with an equally nasty tweet talking of "small men occupying big office" that "lack bigger vision" without naming Prime Minister Modi. Why did it go from the hopeful meeting to saber rattling between the two South Asian neighbors? Did the Modi government cave in to pressure from within his Hindupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2719071223730512060 Pakistani Blog Posts


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