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Moving the Goalposts Towards Sustainable Development – Football, Technology and Responsible Business

From the Blog propakistani Since the kick off announcement of Pakistan sending a National Team to the inaugural International Socca Federation World Cup in Lisbon, Pakistani Companies have been doing their bit to support Team Pakistan. And that's in line with renewed vigor from Naya Pakistan – a stronger sense of Unity flowing between Team mates, supporters, sponsors and the everyday citizen. Integration Xperts and Leisure Leagues Pakistan took the opportunity to strengthen their alliance around their recent commitment to mobilize Pakistan's girls, youth and communities through football and health interventions and a joint commitment to develop a stronger platform for collective action in support of the UN's SDGs to maximize the impact on a variety of life issues faced by a diverse population. Both comppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4563137936377139957 Pakistani Blog Posts


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