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City Landmarks – A Park over the Hill

From the Blog thekarachiwallaOne of my earliest memories of Karachi are that of Hill Park. I often visited it with my family during our short trips to Karachi from interior Sindh and I distinctly remember the gentle breeze, alien and very much welcome to visitors from outside Karachi. I remember it being clean and friendly. I also remember […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pakistan's Human Development Ranking Hits New Low of 150 After Decade of Democracy

From the Blog riazhaqPakistan's human development ranking plunged to 150 this year, down from 149 last year. It is worse than Bangladesh at 136, India at 130 and Nepal at 149. The decade of democracy under Pakistan People's Party and Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) has produced the slowest annual growth rate in the last 30 years. The fastest growth in Pakistan human development was seen in 2000-2010, a decade dominated by President Musharraf's rule, according to the latest Human Development Report 2018. *Human Development in Pakistan: * UNDP's Human Development Index (HDI) represents human progress in one indicator that combines information on people's health, education and income. Pakistan's Human Development Growth Rate By Decades. Source: HDR 2018 Pakistan saw average annual HDI (Human Developmentpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5618463707099183396 Pakistani Blog Posts


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