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6 best burger places in Lahore

From the Blog cheflingtales If we consider Lahore as a hub for foodies then you are on the right track. Lahore is always famous for its every kind of food variety be it local food or continental. This city will never disappoint you and as a foodie. Coming towards fast food, you have better options than just international franchises like KFC or Macdonalds. Burgers are more than just zingers. Options are rapidly changing and adapting to the taste the youth of Pakistan demands. We have listed down some of the best burger spots in Lahore: 1. *Rina's kitchenette* Rina's kitchenette is located at defense Y block and Gulberg, Lahore. If you are a beef lover then it is the best choice for you in Lahore, although the burgers of Rina's kitchenette costs around rs. 700 to Rs. 850. The cheezy burgers are loadepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Taboo of Reading Romance

From the Blog khatrihinaI love reading Romance. There, I said it. I am not particularly well versed about how reading romance is taken the world over, but I can talk about the place and the people I have had misfortune to interact with … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8651646087273061315 Pakistani Blog Posts


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