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Veon Cuts Jobs as it Returns to a Traditional Telco Model

From the Blog propakistani Veon is cutting management jobs in Pakistan and Eastern Europe in its bid to switch to a traditional telecoms model. As per the new plan, every country where Veon operates will now report to its corporate headquarters. Veon is based in Amsterdam. Its recent move is an attempt to cut the operating costs and reduce staff at the company's Dutch headquarters. Veon, previously known as VimpelCom, has been on a job cutting spree over the past three to four years. The global workforce of the company has declined to 40,000, a one-third reduction from 2014 until 2017. *Reason Behind the Move* Veon released a statement, mentioning the reason behind its latest move. The statement reads: The new high-level structure has now been established as Veon continues to create a leaner headquartepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7293324115133101145 Pakistani Blog Posts


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