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Pakistan Elections 2018 Conspiracy Theories

From the Blog riazhaqWhat conspiracy theories are being bandied about in Pakistani media coverage of general elections scheduled for July 25, 2018? Why are Jang and Dawn, Pakistan's top 2 media houses, promoting Nawaz Sharif and his supporters' narrative? Is there any evidence of a conspiracy between Pakistan's intelligence agencies and the top judges in the country? Is the speculation based entirely on history? If these theories are correct, what will be the most likely outcome of these elections? Which party will emerge? Will it be the "agencies" alleged favorite PTI? What office would PTI chief Imran Khan want if his party wins? Prime Minister or President? Will possible restoration of article 58-2B of the constitution mean Imran Khan chooses to be president with real power? Faraz Darvesh, Sabapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4241463121693804363 Pakistani Blog Posts


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