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Get Free Delivery on Eid Holidays through TCS Sentiments Express

From the Blog propakistani Online shopping brands always find difficult to deliver orders especially near Eid Holidays. That is the reason why online platforms give cut off day's week before Eid holidays so that maximum orders can be delivered on Eid. Despite of closure of bookings, still customers unable to get many orders on time due to heavy loads on courier partners. Another fact is that customers always activate shopping in the last days of Ramadan or nearer to Eid which shifts majority of shopper into offline market. But TCS Sentiments is the only brand that is delivering and booking your Eid orders all three days of Eid. So if customers have forget to greet their loved ones and sitting far away! Then this is the best chance for them to greet their relatives, family and friends with specialized dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Eidi Conflicts During Eid – Can you relate?

From the Blog cheflingtales That time of the year has come for us all! After a blessed month of Ramazan, Eid-ul-Fitr has arrived with lots of love and blessings and most importantly EIDI! The time where adults shrinking wallets mean children getting more and more money. So, what is Eid ul Fitr without eidi? It's like an anda without paratha, like rain without pakoras, like mornings without chai or coffee. For the love of Eidi, I'll share a list of relatable eidi conflicts and expectations with you people: The happiness [image: 🙂] Eidi Expectations Sometimes the reality hurts when those relatives just come to your home for Eid delicacies without giving eidi! That awesome moment when : This happens as well! That moment, when you're told that you are too old for Eidi And when ammi takes away choti choti khpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7441358517092899648 Pakistani Blog Posts


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