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~Ramadan Special: Iftar Dinner Buffet at Marquee Hall Marriott Islamabad~

From the Blog areejusmanRamadan Mabrook to All of you dear! The month of spirituality and seeking forgiveness is upon us.This is holy month is the month when we do our best of everything.May ALLAH bless and forgive us all and keep showering his blessings upon us. During this month we do special preparations for the Suhoors and Iftars.Sometimes we love to do these at home while we sometimes want to go out and try some new place for a change. These days Islamabad is offering loads of places defining what they serve for Suhoor and Iftar. Last week I went to Marriott Islamabad with my family to this Iftar Buffet that is taking place every evening during the month of Ramadan. The whole hall was filled with tons n tons of exquisite looking dishes.Everything was presented and served with effort and passion. To stpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

India-Pakistan Spy Chronicles; Trump-Sharif Troubles

From the Blog riazhaqWhat are Asad Durrani and AS Dulat, ex spooks of India and Pakistan, trying to accomplish with their joint appearances and book collaboration? What is "Spy Chronicles: RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace" all about? What have the two revealed about the work of ISI and RAW spy agencies with Kashmiri insurgents? Has the Modi government lost control of the situation in Kashmir? Why does Durrani say that all Pakistan has to do now in Kashmir is "sit back and watch"? Why have both spy agencies been bribing the militants to buy influence? Is "corrupting someone with money more ethical than killing them" as AS Dulat has put it? Is Dulat's optimism about solution to Kashmir issue justified? Why are both Nawaz Sharif and Donald Trump attacking the "deep state" or "establishment" in their pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2740657980228933267 Pakistani Blog Posts


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