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The Hate of Hindus towards Muslims

From the Blog iabhopal As result of long and hard struggle by Muslims of India through their political organ Muslim League and under able guidance of their leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah and blessing of Allah sub-hanohoo wa Ta'ala, an independent Muslim country, Pakistan, came in to being at 2357 hours on August 14, 1947. *Extent of Hate can be visualised by comparing (1) & (2) with (3)* (1) Once we were playing hide and seek and a boy (Muslim) rammed in to a passerby Hindu. He shouted, "کپڑے بھڑشٹ کری گیا ۔ کپڑے بھڑشٹ کری گیا (He made my clothes filthy. He made my clothes filthy)" and cursed Muslims. (2) Another time after playing we went to a Hindu's shop for drinks. Shopkeeper sold drink to a Hindu boy but declined to sell to Muslim boys. On Hindu boy's request to sell drinks to us, he said, "مُسلے ہیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7538623067115713762 Pakistani Blog Posts


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