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Ugly Chirpy

From the Blog jamash Chirpy was ugly, her feathers all plucked out, her beak a little crooked , but her eyes were like diamonds, deep and sparking, but no one ever looked in them, kids always threw stones at her and her own flock of birds hated her , unless of course she was needed. It was only then that she was praised and loved only till the task was done, because Chirpy was brave, wise and learned. Chirpy used to live in her lonely nest on a tree which has even less leaves than the feathers on Chirpy's body. One. Fine evening Chirpy decided to spent the night at another tree, where her friend CooCoo had stationed to for a few days during his migratory trip to the north. The weather was still a little cold these days, the night was crisp and clear , stars glittered in the skies . Chirpy was pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6155238586515511842 Pakistani Blog Posts


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