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From the Blog odysseuslahoriMy Indian friends insist Sharda was a university in ancient times. I, however, find no reference to a school at the site. Sources only mention the temple. Nor, too, did I find any archaeological trace in the area around the temple compound. *The ruins of the Sharda Temple* Up in the valley of the Kishanganga (duly Islamised to Neelam) River, in the elbow where the Madhumati flows into it from the south-east, the ruined Sharda temple sits on a hill above the village named after the temple. An impressive stone stairway leads up the hill past the military post to the remains of a thick stone wall and a ruined gateway. Though only portions of the boundary wall now remain, it is not difficult to see that it once enclosed a rectangle whose corners are aligned with the cardinal pointspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Trading With Digital IOUs.

From the Blog faisalkhan For the past couple of years, I have been talking around the world about the *Fragments State of Our Payment Systems*. With over 1,900 payment systems around the world, *less than 3 percents are connected and can talk to each other directly or using one hop*. Think about that for a minute, what a mammoth opportunity that represents, but more on that later on. In the previous article, I explained how the Digital IOUs work. They are *not* decentralized but centralized (as the issuing authority has to have control, which in this case was the bank). We will eventually gravitate towards the *decentralized* IOUs, but that will take some time. We have to have a hybrid solution before we have a solution where audits can be done and funds in escrow – tied to the coins can be verified.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Famous MetroTV Actor Arrested for Groping Colleague!!! Video

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Sexy Girl Movies : Famous MetroTV Actor Arrested for Groping Colleague!!! Video, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1656614184427931346 Pakistani Blog Posts


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