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کمزوری یا مضبوطی ؟

From the Blog theajmals *اطلاع* ۔ میں نے حسبِ سابق 4 دن بعد یعنی 23 مارچ 2018ء کو اِس دن کی مناسبت سے ایک تحریر تیار کر کے محفوظ کر رکھی تھی لیکن الله کو منظور نہ ہوا ۔ میں 20 مارچ کو تیز بخار ۔ شدید کھانسی اور نزلہ میں مُبتلاء ہو گیا اور 29 مارچ تک طبعیت کافی خراب رہی *کمزوری یا مضبوطی ؟* درُست کہ آپ کمزور ہیں لیکن جو عوامل آپ کی کمزوری عیاں کرتے ہیں وہی بالآخر آپ کو مضبوط بھی بناتے ہیں زندگی کے تلخ لمحوں کو قبول کرتے ہوئے کوشش جاری رکھیئے زندگی کے اُتار چڑھاؤ ہی تجربہ کار اور کامیاب انسان بناتے ہیں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Ootpatang mind of Mr. Finn

From the Blog cybegeekFirst a heads up the following post in in the *"Minglish"* language. Ok. Well there are many things happening all around and to tell the truth I don't really want to comment on anything. But. Malala is here and the expected frenzy of the stupids on twitter and real life... Im really glad that she could visit her homeland and not at all amazed at the sheer stupidity of the folks of her homeland ... There was a time when one could have hope in this place, no more. The decay of this society has taken its toll and now we are left with brainless mush. Gosh I really sound like a grumpy old man with a *Kubb*... So I know this guy who recently got something awarded to him, see the problem is that this guy already has that thing and there were so many others that needed or deserved whatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

India-Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race

From the Blog riazhaqWhy has Pakistan developed and successfully tested nuclear-capable MIRV (Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles) and SLCM (Submarine Launched Cruise Missile)? How do these additions to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal enhance its nuclear deterrence against India? Was Pakistan forced into these technologies by India's development of anti-ballistic missiles and nuclear triad? How will India respond to these developments? Does India have multiple warhead missiles under development? Indian Children's Book Cover. Source: New York TimesWhy has Pakistan developed tactical nuclear weapons like short-range Nasr missile? Can't Pakistan use its conventional armed forces to effectively deter India's plans under its Cold Start Doctrine (CSD)? What is Pakistan's New Concept of War Fighting (NCWF) Dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7368517083675871416 Pakistani Blog Posts


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