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Top 3 picks for Ice creams in Abbottabad this summer!

From the Blog cheflingtales The summer stays longer in Pakistan than winter which is why winter treats are always available in wide variety. To bring down the heat, we often indulge in sodas, fresh juices and of course ice creams are always our favorite. Abbottabad doesn't get too hot in summers but that does mean we don't enjoy ice cream here! Among the many places where you can get ice cream from Abbottabad, we are listing our three top picks. 1. Pak Peshawari Ice Cream *Image source: Facebook* Pak Peshawari ice cream is located near Sethi Mosque. This ice cream parlor is a two-story building with family area. You can place your order at the counter/ice cream bar or at the table too. When it comes to ice cream it is the top picked among the ice cream fans in Abbottabad. The special ice cream is mouth-pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 415423355295072974 Pakistani Blog Posts


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