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Praying to be rewarded isn't supplication

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of muslim girl praying] Praying to be rewarded isn't supplication Passion isn't trade of one's love sensation Ardor is purely pleasing and flattery now Faithfulness isn't ritual and tradition now Birds controlled in infancy to fly in the air Grown up birds hence flop to fly in the air It's bygone time I much-loved life's verve heart now discard life's delightful verve Anytime missing the fragrance of thy love Is a moment having no verve of thy love My friends and foes both agree with me Razia has no grievance against anyone [image: Image may contain: text] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The 100 words story project

From the Blog beanbagtalesThe title says it all. Today I'm starting this new project on the blog where I'll write and post a 100 word story everyday. Yes, it is a very ambitious goal considering how busy the twins keep me but I need to get back to words and writing. I'll try and keep it to a 100 words but I promise it won't exceed 150 words. 100 words. Everyday. Yikes! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

What Women Want

From the Blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeWhat Women Want Yes that is the name of the popular Hollywood romantic comedy starring Mel Gibson, but it is also the eternal question that men, women, society as a whole needs an answer to. Each individual has a different answer (if they have one at all), as Gibson finds out by the end of… Continue reading What Women Wantpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 329664520318226233 Pakistani Blog Posts


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