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5 Spots in Lahore that serve best HI-TEA

From the Blog cheflingtales We all love a perfect combo of savory and sweets with tea. Hi-tea platters are very convenient when it comes to tea time snacks, they are on a budget and delicious way to treat yourself with your chai buddy. Eateries usually serve hHi – Teas between 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm the traditional tea time. Here are 5 different Hi-Platters in Lahore to dine in with your friend or family. *English Tea House* *Image source: Instagram* Windsor English Hi-tea platter is served at the table and is good enough for two people. It includes a pot of tea or coffee, with quiche slices, fruit, cheese, grilled fish, chicken skewers, mini chicken puffs, pizza slices, assorted mini pastries and chicken sandwiches all in Rs. 1500/- They have more Hi Tea options that include scones and desserts thus makipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4028172759787142678 Pakistani Blog Posts


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