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3 Best Fish Spots of Islamabad this Winter.

From the Blog cheflingtales Winter is half over but the question is have you had enough fish in the season? The university folks are struggling with their final days, while the foodies are out in the hunt for some nice Fish to feast on this season. What's better on one of those chilly winter days when the clouds have covered the sky like a blanket than a well fried, flavorsome fish that gets your blood pumping, right? So here's a list of top 3 fish spots that you definitely need to track down and grab a bite before winters say their farewell! Ḗpicḕ fish and shinwari: Yes, NUSTians! finally, it's on a food blog list. Epice fish is a great outdoor place to enjoy your delightful fish. It is very famous among NUSTians since its right next to their gate along Kashmir highway just short of PSO fuel station. Tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4399450535595396335 Pakistani Blog Posts


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