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Cheflings Eating Out at "Bites & Vibes, Karachi

From the Blog cheflingtales Last weekend Cheflings were found at the Bites & Vibes, food market hosted by Food Panda and as a foodie would say it was a delight for the taste buds. Sunday at the Alliance Francaise eating our hearts out sounds perfect but it was even more delightful to have everything for Rs.200 or under! During the event, we had the pleasure of meeting the faces behind famous eateries like Il Posto, Taha's Chocomania and Golden Dragon. Truth be told, everything was scrumptious. However, the following stalls were our top favorites. 1. Arabis Arabis had Shawarma, the Arabic sweet dish: Kunafa and Mutabbak on offer. Since spending our summers in Jeddah we had been craving for a good Mutabbak and we got just that. It was also for Rs. 200 and good enough for two people easily! 2. Taha's Chpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

A Heart Died

From the Blog khatrihinaUsually words come to me when I am busy doing something else but just happen to have a pen or a pencil in my hand and a notebook in front of me. The same is true for this one that … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1109112800612251878 Pakistani Blog Posts


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