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Sins of eyes may lead to disbelief

From the Blog ashrafiya A spiritual seeker and religious scholar wrote, there is strong involvement in the spiritual malady of seeing the unlawful. The Satan deceives by reassuring me that you are not going to actually commit the acts of these lustful desires so why refrain from only watching them. At these moments I even forget العینان تزنیان (the Prophetic saying that eyes commit adultery). Please prescribe a treatment for this. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

System in Disarray: Facts and Conspiracy Theories in Pakistan

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Misbah Azam* During the early 1990s when operation Dessert Shield was in progress, and the allied forces had not begun the campaign of heavy bombardment of Baghdad and other important places in Iraq and Kuwait, an interesting article was published in some unknown magazine in Pakistan (internet was not available then) where one unknown "defense analyst", who probably was a retired Pakistan Army commander, came up with the theory that the United States, the (then) the Soviet Union and the Western Europe had decided to take over Pakistan and dismantle its nuclear program (nuclear tests were not conducted then), dismantle its military and fragment Pakistan into pieces. According to the story, freedom of Kuwait was simply an excuse which was created with the help of old Ameripakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 684663341084905247 Pakistani Blog Posts


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