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December- a hopeless lover

From the Blog hammadmateenFor me, this darling month is like an altruistic, hopeless lover with an innocuous amour-propre that is seductive in its own special way. Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Trump on Jerusalem; India Pew Survey; Mattis in Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqWhy did President Donald Trump recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital? Why now? Is it designed to shore up Trump's domestic support with Evangelical Christians and Jewish donors and voters? What will be its impact in the Middle East and the world in the short term and the long term? Will it strengthen anti-US forces? Will there be more violence? Does it make the fight against terror more difficult? What does the Pew Survey of Indians' on their views of Pakistan show? Why do 64% of Indians, the highest since 2013 when the survey began, say they view Pakistan extremely unfavorably? Is the rise of Prime Minister Modi a cause or consequence of it? Does it make the chances of peace in South Asia even more remote? Why did Indian Congress leader Mani Shankar Ayar call Indian Prime Minpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1911837765432268556 Pakistani Blog Posts


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