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Gratitude Calculator

From the Blog kulsoom After thinking about it for so long, I am penning down gratitude calculator. Today, when we are so much surrounded by the miserable depressive people and content all around us, this may make you feel a bit lighter and content about yourself. We tend to forget what we have been blessed with and keep focusing on what we don't have. To use this calculator, all you need is a pen/pencil and a paper. Answer all the questions. For every yes you score 1 and for every no you score 0. Sum it up, multiply by 2 and you will get your Gratitude percentage! Once done, share with your friends and fellows by quoting your percentage ( OR not ) and how did it make you feel? Here you go! Let's begin. 1. Do you take 3 meals every day? 2. Do you live in a rented/owned house? 3. Do you slpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8272050563748634562 Pakistani Blog Posts


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