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Keep your limits.

From the Blog iabhopal Don't waste time on being envy. You already have all you need. Agree with others to disagree. You don't have to win every argument. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. Road to success: Don't waste your precious energy on gossip. Forget issues of the past. Do some thing today to preserve your future. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The pink pub…گلابی میخانہ

From the Blog faisalainAt the ANU's pop-up village… اے این یو کے پاپ اپ ویلج میں۔۔۔ See it here: Advertisementspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

اپنے سب چہرے چھپا رکھے ہیں آئینے میں ۔ قمر جمیل

From the Blog ranaii-e-khayalغزل اپنے سب چہرے چھپا رکھے ہیں آئینے میں میں نے کچھ پھول کھلا رکھے ہیں آئینے میں تم بھی دنیا کو سناتے ہو کہانی جھوٹی میں نے بھی پردے گرا رکھے ہیں آئینے میں پھر نکل آئے گی سورج کی سنہری زنجیر ایسے موسم بھی اُٹھا رکھے ہیں آئینے میں میں نے کچھ لوگوں کی تصویر اتاری ہے جمیل اور کچھ لوگ چھپارکھے ہیں آئینے میں قمر جمیلؔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Who should we get our Daughter/son Married to?

From the Blog ashrafiya Hakim al Umma Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Allah have mercy on him) writes: Nowadays, many youngsters read and study un-Islamic literature. Many things found in these un-Islamic books and magazines are contrary to the Islamic beliefs and teachings. Many youngsters do not possess sound religious knowledge and understanding and therefore when they come across these un-Islamic literature, they believe whatever they read, even though it opposes the Islamic beliefs and teachings. Based on the lack of religious knowledge, they do not understand that believing in such things causes them to lose their faith. At times (being influenced by the wrongs found in these un-Islamic literature, their mindset is affected and) they utter such statements which causes them to come out of the fold of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2013322113869114971 Pakistani Blog Posts


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