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A Taste of Karachi

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* *Chef Aida Khan incorporates the essence of Karachi cuisine in her culinary endeavours in London.* Having grown up between Abu Dhabi and Karachi, London-based former banker, Chef Aida Khan, brings the nostalgic flavours of Pakistan to Shola – Karachi Kitchen, her start-up, that also hosts a delectable food pop-up, Gourmet Karachi Supper Club, in London. Aida Khan After completing her undergraduate program in the US, Khan packed her bags to Boston where she began working with the Bank of America, before finally making a move back to home turf after a few years. In Pakistan, Khan continued her banking career in Karachi and Islamabad before re-locating to London with her husband where she completed a graduate degree at SOAS, University of London. Aida's love pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 383744953204543092 Pakistani Blog Posts


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