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Short Story: The Rohing of Rohingyas

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Shahida Dj* "My sons were the beauty of my life, the soul of my universe, the peace of my heart, the solution to all my problems. But life turned everything into opposite of my wishes and dreams", Rohing stopped and started cleaning her tears while sitting in the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh. "Everything went against my wishes. Happiness into sadness, smile into tears, light into darkness, but still something pleases me. That I have done something positive; that i saved the soul of my child from the torture and harshness of the world", said the broken-hearted mother. Keeping her head on her palm, and with tear in her eyes, she was gazing at the road near her tent. "Will you explain what exactly happened to you and your family?", asked Pretty Mo, the journalistpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8236728324548666120 Pakistani Blog Posts


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