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Karachi Declared as Worst City in the World For Driving

From the Blog propakistani Karachi, Pakistan's commercial hub and the most populated city in the country, has been declared as the worst city for driving a vehicle, according to a study by a German company, kfzteile24. The city of light, perhaps having a majority of the area without lights due to prolonged load-shedding, has been placed at 99th position out of total 100 placements. The worst city for driving a vehicle declared is Kolkata of India, which is giving some respite to us being Pakistanis. Of course, traffic jams for hours on main roads are in routine, parking is not available in commercial areas, driving without license and on wrong side is in the fashion, main roads and service roads are encroached heavily, the condition of roads are not up to the mark of global standard even at a satisfactpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Mocca Coffee Café: The White House of the Capital

From the Blog cheflingtales *Looking for quite an ambiance with a lavishing interior for fine dining? Well, the capital is offering a food "White House" to compliment your decent nature.* Today's blog will give you an insight about the Mocca Coffee cafe, located in Kohsar Market, F-6/3, called the White House of Islamabad. *Known for:-* When Mocca Coffee is discussed, two major factors swing the mind, one their macaroons, and second their purely and delicately chosen white interior, combined with side trees as being the corner shop on the first floor. *Interior:-* The art of playing with white and light brown is well showcased by this café. The interior is 60% white and 30% light brown, faltering with 10% glass to let the sunshine and roaming environment play it's role in the café's look. The small cappakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2059972727540828607 Pakistani Blog Posts


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