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Mediterranean Tapas at Asia Live, Avari Towers

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesAsia Live at Avari Towers is known for hosting weekly food festivals from time to time where they bring home cuisine from all over the world so this time around we were treated to Mediterranean Tapas. Tapas are basically small and light snacks originally from Spain and I must say that this food festival was one of those where I actually had a ball devouring all the yummy snacks present for the buffet. [image: Mediterranean Tapas at Asia Live, Avari Towers] Mediterranean Tapas at Asia Live, Avari Towers [image: Prawns and Calamari] Prawns and Calamari [image: Mini Samosas] Mini Samosas [image: Meatballs] Meatballs The tapas present as the appetizers were some of my favourites and one must not let their size trick them because before I knew it I was already full. The appetizers comprpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3164548284100540071 Pakistani Blog Posts


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