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In praise of Muhammad ﷺ

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: images] In praise of Muhammad ﷺ Remain fed up of be asleep; my eyes Desire to have a sight of him; my eyes Bow down of revere at ﷺ door; eyes How caring and sensible are my eyes No one to deter amid devotee and deity All barriers will be flattened by my eyes Whatever I wish is clear through my eyes How coherent and loving are my eyes Mausoleum's grills are core of my eyes Moving around core is pilgrimage of eyes Delight of to see the dome stay unsatisfied How intoxicated yet awake are my eyes Just hugged the grills of the Mausoleum How delightful and ecstatic are my eyes The one who never visited Mausoleum How unlucky and deprived are those eyes My lips remained silent in respect of ﷺ My eyes though were all reverence, Anjum ****** [image: 21559021_1015483438pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2550243146618980483 Pakistani Blog Posts


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