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Welcoming Chaaye Khana In Multan

From the Blog cheflingtales There is nothing close to the hearts of us Pakistanis more than the word "chaaye". Our day begins and most probably ends with a perfect cup of chaaye. To be honest, there is no proper restaurant to have a comforting chaaye nashta . Lots of restaurants do offer it, but something always remains missing. Hence, the local dhabas were the only option Multanis were left with, until Chaaye Khana opened it's doors for Multanis. It's branch has been opened in Multan's hub of restaurants, the ultimate love of foodies, Gulghast. Chaaye Khana has received lots of love across the country, particularly in the capital, and Lahore has become the demand of foodies of every city to have one in their own district as well. Now thankfully in Multan as well, which is why we went down there and hapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3475951991273842948 Pakistani Blog Posts


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