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Oil Tankers Association Threatens To Go On Strike Again

From the Blog propakistani All Pakistan Oil Tankers Association (APOTA) has threatened to go on a countrywide strike again if the prevailing regulatory issues are not resolved by the government in the next couple of days. Speaking at a press conference in Karachi, Chairman APOTA Yousuf Shahwani said the supplies of petroleum products will be ceased again by oil tankers if the government does not fix the issue regarding the specifications of the wheel axle in oil tankers. According to him, more than 3,000 oil tankers associated with different Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) were declared as unfit by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA). Following that, these tankers were not allowed to supply petroleum products countrywide in spite of the fact these tankers were given a period of next five years to meepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Hunting The Best Brownies in Multan – Here Are The Top 4

From the Blog cheflingtales Whether it is time for breakfast, lunch or dinner, our tables have always been abundant with dishes. This is very common in eastern culture, and makes it more exquisite and unparalleled. The most awaited meal is the dessert. Without anything sweet, our meal remains incomplete. Not very long ago, Multanis had merely three ways of satisfying their sweet-tooth cravings: 1) By cooking something traditional at home (How boring. Ouch!!! Not a good idea, as it is not cooked by experts. Therefore, our taste buds remain unsatisfied at times). 2) Eat Ice Cream (What about winters? Not everyone like us enjoys ice cream even in cold weather) 3) Ravari or Niralah (These two are "Mehtahis" shops in Multan. It is said about them that they are as old as the city of the saints itself and theipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1026744152968215008 Pakistani Blog Posts


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