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5 Ways to show your Patriotism

From the Blog sadiasheikh01 *Happy Birthday Pakistan. My country, my homeland. I may not have been with you since you were born, but I have a pretty fair idea of how you came into existence, and how jubilant everyone was. The Quaid said you would be the country based on principles of equality, rule of law, tolerance and justice. Dear Pakistan, we hope that we were good nationals and lived up to the expectations.* So, the 70th Independence Day is here. And we are very excited to celebrate. Listed below are some ways you can prove your loyalty to the country. Not just on the eves of 14th August, but as patriots throughout the year, who work to make their country better. 1. *Brand Pakistan in the cyber space* Every country has some associations that our triggered in our mind as we hear the country'spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6121424389871782536 Pakistani Blog Posts


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