Tolerate Differences And Get On With Life
From the Blog kashifshahzadaTolerance is a special quality. It means getting along with people who are different from us. It is a vital trait for peaceful coexistence and Continue readingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Iran-Pakistan Ties: Friends or Foes?
From the Blog riazhaqIt is commonly accepted that Iran and Pakistan remained the best of friends until the fall of the Shah. Beginning in 1979, the relations between the two neighbors worsened with Imam Khomeni's Islamic Revolution in Iran and General Zia ul Haq's Islamization in Pakistan. *Opposition to Pakistan's Nuclear Program: * In a book titled "Iran and Pakistan: Security, Diplomacy and American Influence", the Iranian-born American author Alex Vatanka challenges the notion that the rise of sectarianism strained Iran-Pakistan ties. He argues that the relations began to deteriorate earlier in the decade of 1970s when Shah Mohammad Reza Shah Pehlavi, acting on behalf of the United States, tried to pressure Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to abandon Pakistan's nascent nuclear program. *Hispakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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