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The Big Sick Movie: A Self-Portrait of Pakistani-American Kumail Nanjiani

From the blog riazhaqThe Big Sick, a cross-culture romantic comedy based on actual events, breaks new ground by casting a brown-skinned Pakistani-American in a lead role in a movie produced and widely screened in the United States. Acquired by Amazon Studios for $12 million after a bidding war at Sundance film festival, the film has already grossed over $25 million so far. "The Big Sick" is based on the life of HBO's "Silicon Valley" star Kumail Nanjiani, 39, who plays himself. A Pakistani American man, a part-time Uber driver struggling to succeed as a stand-up comic in Chicago, Kumail notices a heckler named Emily (Zoe Kazan). Thus begins a relationship characterized by a series of emotional highs and lows with a lot of laughter in between. Co-written with his wife, Emily V. Gordon, the romantpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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