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The death itself brought news of life for me

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: fall-nature-animated-gif-20] The death itself brought news of life for me I'm a vanishing lamp, death is infinity for me No one pleased me and brought joy in my life Why weep now, when I no longer breathe life I'm curbed to a corner engulfed in my distress Almighty nurtures me in my bliss and distress O the pious worshiper! Garden of Eden for you Hence being a sinner; woe of hell for me though I would lighten as a candle if flourished brightly But the ambiance wasn't in my support actually Every heart and soul wishes for the same for me If the mortal turns to dust, it'll be infinity for me Mortal has magnetic charm towards dust Anis Karbala is for me! I've to bear it with endurance ……………………………. ḳhud naved-e-zindagī laa.ī qazā mere liye sham-e-kushta huuñ fanā meñpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4573678405593845279 Pakistani Blog Posts


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