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China-India Standoff; Panama JIT; Indian Asylum Seekers

From the blog riazhaqWhat is India-China standoff in Bhutan's Doklam about? What are the risks of either side miscalculating? Can this border conflict spiral out of control and escalate into a full-scale war like the the 1962 war? Can it lead to a wider regional conflict? How would such a war conclude? What are the political implications of the ongoing Panama case hearings in Pakistan Supreme Court? How are the media and political parties lining up on this? Will the Supreme Court disqualify and remove Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding office for corruption? Will it be seen as normal democratic process of accountability or a conspiracy to subvert an elected government? Why are Indians among the top 5 asylum seekers in the world along with Syria? What's driving Indians to seek refuge in OECD napakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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