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The King of Fruits – Celebrating The Mango Festival in Multan

From the Blog cheflingtales No one likes the beams of the sun to be at their peak. After all, it makes us sweat; thus making our lives a bit dire. Most of us are afraid of summers owing to that. Despite this, we eagerly wait for them. Why? Because of our love for the dearest mangoes. In our lives, we have hardly ever come across any person who says: "Eewwww! Mangoes? I hate them." If you did, just ignore them, you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. *Infinite welcoming-festivals*: Mangoes have prevented people from totally hating summers. Despite the damn hot weather, they welcome it in the form of a festival. That festival is not for "summer", but for "mangoes". Mango festivals are organized across the globe. They are organized even in those nations who don't have their own resources of mangpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5013783481428932901 Pakistani Blog Posts


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