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DIBS Brings Luxury Brands for 50% Off This Eid

From the blog propakistani Pakistan is a country where designer labels and high-end luxury products are in hot demand. Brands like Hugo Boss, LV, Ralph Lauren, Versace; you name it, Pakistanis want it! A lot of fashion-conscious people here just can't get enough of high-end fashion. Generally, most affluent Pakistanis, whenever they are looking to purchase luxury items, turn […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hunza Travel Guide By The Locals

From the blog cheflingtales Why Hunza? Hunza Valley is situated in the farthest north of Pakistan, on the border with China to the North and Afghanistan to the West. The inhabitants belong to three particular ethnicities, and speak three of the oldest and most unique languages of the world: Burushaski, Shina, and Wakhi. The people of Hunza are considered the friendliest of Pakistanis. They have the longest life expectancy and have the most natural lifestyle. Living in the middle of lush green fields, surrounded by even greener hills and further enclosed by snow-capped mountains is the closest a human can be to nature. One can get all of this in this blessed place. *Image source:* Now, who wouldn't want to make a trip to the enthralling Hunza Valley? The only concern is how to make thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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