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Fried Chicken Bread Rolls

From the blog cheflingtales Every year in Ramazan, we Pakistanis promise ourselves that we won't eat fried food in Iftar. And every year, that promise is broken. All the pakora in Iftaar memes on social media are a true picture of how we feel at Iftaar time without pakoras. Carbs in any form (fattening form), fried and coated with more carbs are what I love too. Although I drink lemonade without sugar, with the fried items to make myself feel I have a healthy diet (the hypocrite that I am). One of my favorite snacks is bread rolls, and I keep adding different fillings inside to create variety. The basic is chicken bread rolls, which I make using leftover chicken from any salan (gravy). The variations can be endless as per your liking. Another easy and favorite snack of mine is chopped sausages with cheddapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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