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Dear Baba

From the blog shahzebnajamDear Baba, A million years ago – as they sat by their little campfire – a father pointed out the constellations to his son. And the infinite night sky didn't seem as intimidating anymore. It is the stories we grow up with that whisper the loudest within our hearts; they are the framework for our […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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India-Pakistan Champions Final; Panama JIT; Trump Under Investigation

From the blog riazhaqWhat is so special about India-Pakistan final in Champions Trophy at the Oval in London? How did 8th ranked Pakistan succeed in making it to the final after the team in green was written off at the early stages of the tournament? Why is it likely to be one of the most watched televised sports events in the world? Will there be corruption and payoffs to influence the outcome? Who is most likely to win? Is it an opportunity for India-Pakistan cricket diplomacy? What does the history-making appearance of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif before joint investigating team (JIT) to investigate corruption mean? Is it good or bad for accountability and democracy in Pakistan? What are the various likely outcomes of the Panama Leaks case now before the Supreme Court of Pakistan? Why is Presidenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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