Pride of "Nuclear State"-Murdering Humanity
From the blog pakteahouse By Syed Foaad Hassan Just when most of us celebrate "Youm e Takbeer" every year, the day when we experimented a device which can tear your flesh , destroy every single tree, bird in-fact every living thing in milliseconds, just when India and Pakistan talk about war, capturing each other's land and "Ghazwa e Hind" I want to recall "Humanity". Seven years ago more than 100 Ahmadis died brutally during Jumma prayers in Lahore, the Capital of great Punjab and many people celebrated that bloodbath, unfortunately we did not stop, after that we vandalized their graveyards, Mosques and homes. Moreover recently another Ahmadi doctor, Mehdi Ali (Cardiac Surgeon in USA) who came here for three weeks on a humanitarian mission at Tahir Heart Institute Rabwah had to receive nine bullets npakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
How to pay Beaconhouse fee using Standard Chartered online banking in Pakistan
From the blog basitali Well finally my wish has been granted and I can pay Beaconhouse school fee using my Standard Chartered bank account without even seeing a bankers' face, literally. Well going to the bank is almost always a pain for me. Initially I was trying to pay like this, but it didn't work out. Without delay, lets see how we can pay the school fee through internet banking. How to Pay — Tutorial Step 1: Goto Standard Chartered Online Banking by visiting Step 2: Click on "Online Banking", and then "Continue to Login" Step 3: Enter your SCB user name and password. (Obviously you need an internet banking account and an SCB account for that. Visit a nearest SCB branch for that. Step 4: Click on "Payments" from the menu on the left Step 5: From the bill payee type drop down, spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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