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The Origins of the Christian Religion and Scripture

From the Blog sakibahmadIn July 2015 I wrote a blog about the Old Testament of the Bible (OT), which you can read here: The Horrors of the Old Testament This blog is about the development of the Christian religion and the emergence of the second holy book of Christianity, the New Testament (NT). Both the religion and the scriptures took shape after the death of Jesus, who was born into a Jewish family. As a Jew he is said to have accepted the Jewish scriptures, believed in the Jewish Prophets of the OT and followed the Jewish religious law. At the time of Jesus' death Christianity was little more than a sect within Judaism. Within a hundred years, however, Christianity had transformed itself into an anti-Jewish religion of gentiles. The NT came into being decades after Jesus' death. If a Muslim, with apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5402798798766522084 Pakistani Blog Posts


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