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Curtailing These Bad Behaviors at Work (The Bosses – 4th installment)

From the Blog iabhopal Click here to read 1st Installment Click here to read 2nd Installment Click here to read 3rd Installment These types of interactions are more than just theoretical; they happen in offices every day. In fact, Maner's research initially grew out of complaints from a friend about her boss's bad behavior. So how do organizations, which want teams to function as cohesively as possible, prevent this sort of sabotage from above? One key is making sure that leaders' job security is contingent upon the success of their group and ensuring those leaders know that they will be held accountable for their actions, Maner says. "If leaders knew that their decisions were public and could have ramifications for the support they receive, I think that might undercut some of this corrupt behavior,"pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4532365181401836143 Pakistani Blog Posts


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