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the angry art days

From the Blog noorsplace like people, I have come to accept the fact that art too gets angry and mad and out of control. It cannot be about the beautiful things of life all the time and sometimes when I pick up pens and papers to make something, everything but the satisfaction of a well-crafted piece stares me back. *welcome to the angry art days* angry art days is just a term floating in my mind that justifies my lack of inspiration. These days, where I cannot make things exactly how I want or string words to compose poetry that reflects everything precisely, are hard to endure. I feel like there is someone else roaming around in my body that even my mirror fails to recognize. On angry art days, I cannot recognize myself anymore. *causes:* I am unsure what is the real cause but more or less, it's the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8441642168532106115 Pakistani Blog Posts


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