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Opening a bank account as a foreigner on visit visa in another country. Opening a bank account in china as a visitor.

From the Blog ppakistanOn my recent trip to China, i opened a bank account in Agriculture Bank of China on my visitor visa. Since, english is not very common in china it was difficult to explain to the guys what we want, but in the end one customer service representative understood that we were there to open a bank account and he helped us filling up the form and our details. The steps were simple, but we needed help of the customer service rep as the form were in chinese so we asked him to fill our form. The steps were simple. - Fill in your details with passport number - Local chinese mobile phone number is must, which is used to send transaction pins and transaction alerts. SO it is suggested to purchase a local china sim before going to open a bank account. - Fill in your address. You can give youpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6668111643971920727 Pakistani Blog Posts


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